Personal Projects

“Creativity is thinking up new things.
Innovation is doing new things.”
~ Theodore Levitt

CS 194-26 Projects: Computer Vision and Computational Photography

During my Fall 2022 semester, I took CS 194-26: Intro to Computer Vision and Computational Photography at UC Berkeley. In this class, I worked on a plethora of interesting projects and published detailed websites for each of them, accompanied by descriptions of my thought process and work. Feel free to check out the links below to learn more!

Link to Project Websites

Search and Rescue

The primary goal of this project is to create a functional multi-robot system that locates and navigates towards a target object, thus simulating the process of “Search and Rescue”. This was accomplished by using a Baxter robotic arm and mobile TurtleBot in parallel, where the Baxter arm actively searches and guides the TurtleBot towards the target object, and the TurtleBot thereafter “rescues” the object by autonomously navigating the last-mile by itself. This was submitted as our final project for EECS 106A (Introduction to Robotics) at UC Berkeley.

Project Website

Video Gesture Overlay

Video Gesture Overlay is a machine learning and computer vision based application that is able to recognize hand gestures (as well as facial tracking), and subsequently display corresponding reacts/icons overlaid on the user’s camera feed. This allows the user to convey a quick message without having to unmute themselves when video conferencing, and also adds an element of privacy by automatically hiding video stream when the user steps out of frame. This was featured on the official Weights & Biases YouTube channel where I presented our project, which you can watch here.

GitHub Repository

Speech Matrix Solver

Speech Matrix Solver is a web application my friends and I built in order to solve complex systems of equations by performing Gaussian Elimination on an augmented matrix that is verbally dictated by the user. Both the Gaussian Elimination backend and Web Interface frontend aspects were built using JavaScript, CSS, and HTML5 (utilizing the HTML5 Speech Recognition API).

GitHub Repository


StoreFront is an digital platform that provides small businesses with the opportunity to easily create an online presence in their local communities, and continue selling products to customers in order to stay afloat during the COVID-19 pandemic. This project was submitted to the COVID-19 Design Challenge, hosted by the Jacobs Institute of Design Innovation at UC Berkeley.

Presentation and Write-Up

Maximizing Aerodynamic Efficiency Through Dynamically Changing Airfoil Cambers

I designed and 3D printed various airfoil models with varied cambers on Autodesk Inventor 2018, and then analyzed the aerodynamic efficiency at different angles of attack for each airfoil through Autodesk Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations. Overall, this project was created to propose the idea that dynamically modifying an airfoil's camber based on the current angle of attack leads to increased aerodyamic efficiency.

Display Board and Abstract